Latest and Greatest - U.S. Immigration Made Easy

U.S. Immigration Made Easy

BY Ilona Bray, J.D.

Published by Nolo (17th Edition, 2015)

KF 4819.85 .B72 2015

Did you know the Harris County Law Library has a self-help collection full of easy to understand resources that help self-represented litigants learn about the law? Well, we do, and it features materials published by Nolo, the Houston Bar Association and Texas Young Lawyers Association.

In connection with Immigration Law Resource month, we are proud to feature U.S. Immigration Made Easy, now in its 17th edition from Nolo. This book helps you navigate through the immigration process from staying legally in the U.S. to obtaining a green card or visa. There are chapters that discuss the ways of getting a green card, such as through a family member already residing in the U.S., through a U.S. citizen fiancée, through employment, as an investor, or as an asylum seeker or refugee.

U.S. Immigration Made Easy also explains the visa process and the various types of visas available to non-immigrants and those looking to remain temporarily in the country. This edition also contains new information about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and its eligibility requirements.

If you want to know more about U.S. immigration laws for yourself or you are a new attorney or paralegal who wants to learn more about an unfamiliar area of law, take a look at U.S. Immigration Made Easy.

Latest and Greatest - The Family Lawyer’s Essential Tool Kit

The Family Lawyer’s Essential Tool Kit, 2015 Edition

Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas

KFT 1294 .Z9 F36

Looking for a handy family law reference guide? Look no further than The Family Lawyer’s Essential Tool Kit published by the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas. An indispensable resource, the Tool Kit has all of the tools you need to handle every aspect of a family law matter. From the Texas standard possession schedule and tax tables and minimum wage charts for computing child support to trial preparation materials, this resource has it all.

Not sure how to make objections at trial? Don’t worry. The Tool Kit has a handy list. Inside, you can also find an oral deposition reference sheet, evidentiary predicates, presumptions, generic examination outlines of expert witnesses, an outline for attorney’s fees, and information about the enforcement of orders. So, what are you waiting for? Come on down to the Law Library and have a look at one of our newest acquisitions.

Latest and Greatest - Attorney's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Attorney’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary

By Ira G. Dox, et al.

West Publishing Company, 1997 (& Supplement 2015)

R 121 .A8 1997

New on the library shelves is Attorney’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Written for attorneys, researchers, and anyone looking to understand medical terminology, this dictionary has over 30,000 terms, defined using simple rather than overly technical words that would require an additional resource to decipher. The illustrations are well-delineated with defined terms highlighted with red ink and arrows and lines indicating important aspects of the drawings.  Appendices provide useful information such as abbreviations and symbols commonly used in medicine, reference values for laboratory tests of clinical importance, and an index to the illustrations. Various tables and illustrative plates are peppered throughout the book, offering the reader even more assistance with wading through complex medical concepts and terms.

Latest and Greatest - American Law Institute Library on HeinOnline

We are proud to announce our most recent addition to the HeinOnline family: the American Law Institute Library. This collection features ALI’s most well-known publications, including:

  • Restatements & Principles of the Law
  • Uniform Commercial Code
  • ALI Annual Reports
  • Proceedings of ALI Annual Meetings
  • ALI Reporter

Plus, you can find model penal codes, other ALI-CLE Publications, and links to other scholarly articles found on HeinOnline.

Searching the ALI materials couldn't be easier. Simply connect to HeinOnline in the Law Library and choose the American Law Institute Library from Hein’s database home page. From there, you can browse through the alphabetized title lists or do a simple keyword search. Another option is to select the Advanced Search option and refine and limit your search to section titles, text, document type, and date. On the Results page, search terms are highlighted in yellow for easy viewing. In addition, all highlighted citations to the Restatements and cases are actually hyperlinks so all you have to do is click. How easy is that? Also, HeinOnline features a ScholarCheck tool that keeps track of the number of times a Restatement section has been cited.

So, come on over to the Library and be sure to take a look at the American Law Institute Library.