Latest & Greatest – Federal Information Disclosure

By James T. O’Reilly

Published by Thomson Reuters (2016)

KF 5753 .O74 2012

In conjunction with the Law Library’s celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the enactment of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we are highlighting some resources that will enhance your understanding of the scope and limitations of FOIA. Sometimes referred to as the “Bible of FOIA,” Federal Information Disclosure answers many questions surrounding the public’s “right to know” and the issue of governmental transparency. From the origins of the Freedom of Information Act with its adoption in 1966 to its inevitable expansion with the Privacy Act (1974), the Federal Advisory Committee Act (1972), and the Government in the Sunshine Act (1976), the author examines all aspects of FOIA as well as court decisions interpreting its provisions. The author explains the procedural aspects of FOIA, including the content of a request, the processing of the request, and the search limitations involved with the requests and addresses FOIA litigation and aspects of judicial review, such as de novo review, summary judgment, and the myriad issues that may arise during this review process. He also discusses the nine statutory exemptions to FOIA and how the courts have routinely interpreted those exemptions.

The author wisely avoids the political facets of FOIA and its progeny by simply explaining the process behind the disclosure of government information and how the United States courts have interpreted the statute and have balanced the public’s “right to know” with the government’s desire from some level of secrecy. His book is meant to be “an essential tool” for the seeker of federal information.

Latest & Greatest – The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 & The Founders’ Constitution

The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787

Edited by Max Farrand

Published by Yale University Press (1937)

KF 4510 .U574 1937

To close out Constitutional Law Resource Month here at the Harris County Law Library, we would like to highlight two titles in our collection that provide some historical insight into the drafting of the United States Constitution: The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 and The Founders’ Constitution. Read together, these two multi-volume titles set the stage for the creation and drafting of perhaps the most important document for our nation. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 is a chronological documentation of what occurred during the Federal Convention of 1787. It is a day-by-day journal of the proceedings gathered from the notes and manuscripts of those present at the Convention and offers a glimpse into what occurred behind the closed doors of the Convention including the votes tallied, the motions made, the speeches given, and the resolutions proffered.

The Founders’ Constitution

Edited by Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner

Published by The University of Chicago Press (1987)

KF 4502 .F68 1987

The Founders’ Constitution, on the other hand, is a topical treatment of the provisions of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights. From the fundamental documents that provide the basis for the American constitutional model to the various acts that provided the foundation for the Bill of Rights, The Founders’ Constitution traces the arguments, opinions, and philosophical beliefs that underlie the United States Constitution and gave us the document that we have today. The Founders’ Constitution, published by the University of Chicago Press, is a five-volume collection that introduces the principles upon which the Founding Fathers relied when drafting the Constitution. The first volume focuses upon the major themes of the Constitution, such as separation of powers, representation, and rights, equality, and property while the remaining volumes concentrate on the actual articles of the Constitution and the first Twelve Amendments. Each of the volumes contains essays, letters, and articles drafted by respected historical statesmen, orators, and philosophers as George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and John Locke.

So whether you are a legal or historical scholar or simply someone who is interested in learning more about the writings that comprise the foundation of the United States Constitution, come to the Harris County Law Library and have a look at these two titles.

Latest & Greatest - Sexual Orientation and the Law

Edited by Karen Moulding in conjunction with National Lawyers Guild Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Rights Committee

Published by Thomson Reuters (2015-2016)

KF 4754.5 .S49 2012

As the country is still reeling from the recent tragedy in Orlando and as the issue of LGBT equality and civil rights continues to rise to the forefront of the nation’s conscience, the Harris County Law Library would like to draw attention to a title of importance for this subject: Sexual Orientation and the Law. Though not new to our collection, Sexual Orientation and the Law attempts to capture all of the legal issues and the changes in the law that bear upon the LGBT community. The legalization of same-sex marriage has had a profound effect on many areas of the law, but none more remarkable than those affecting the family. Courts have been looking differently at issues involving custody, parentage, and adoption in addition to matters involving unmarried partners, and this two-volume set takes a comprehensive look at each aspect of this developing area of law.

Of concern as well is the sexual orientation issue as it arises in the course of employment and military service. The authors address discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, strategies for obtaining domestic partnership benefits, and military discharge reviews. The authors also devote an entire chapter to the representation of transgender clients in matters such as changing identifying documents, handling employment discrimination claims, and getting protection from violence while imprisoned. They also discuss the special issues that arise when representing clients with HIV/AIDS, including health, financial, and estate planning and obtaining public benefits and insurance coverage.

Sexual Orientation and the Law is rich with practical information to assist you in understanding the unique issues faced by members of the LGBT community and how to handle them when your next client comes through your door.

Latest and Greatest – Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law

By Roberta K. Flowers and Rebecca C. Morgan

American Bar Association and the Aba Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law

KF 390 .A4 F56 2013

Designed for the attorney who is new to the field of elder law, Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law, provides an overview of the unique ethical issues that may arise when handling matters for elderly clients and for the people who are acting on their behalf. Focusing on the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct (rather than individual state rules), the authors examine such topics as identifying the client and the parties to whom the attorney can speak and represent, acting for the client with diminished capacity, recognizing and handling ethical issues in guardianship practice, ascertaining the true client in complex fiduciary representation cases, and dealing with ethical issues during litigation, in the provision of ancillary, non-legal services, and in marketing the elder law practice. In each chapter, you will find a practical question checklist as well as a detailed analysis of the applicable Model Rules. The book also includes the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys Aspirational Standards, pertinent ABA Ethics Opinions, checklists, and sample letters and notices.

So, if you are new to the practice of elder law or simply need a refresher on your ethical obligations, come to the Harris County Law Library and have a look at Ethics in the Practice of Elder Law as well as some of our other elder law resources, including CLE materials, Texas Elder Law and Elderlaw: Advocacy for the Aging.

Latest and Greatest – Texas Small-Firm Practice Tools

By Cindy Stormer

James Publishing, Inc. (2015)

KFT 318 .S76

As a small-firm or solo practitioner, you may handle a large variety of cases, thus requiring you to be an expert in many different practice areas. Attorney Cindy Stormer has made your job a lot easier with her book, Texas Small-Firm Practice Tools. Loaded with checklists and over 560 forms, this book focuses on 16 main practice areas, including: civil and business litigation, car accident cases, consumer protection and fair trade practices, landlord-tenant issues, employer-employee relations, credit and collections, small business issues, marriage dissolution, estate planning and administration, criminal defense, and real estate. For each practice area, the author discusses the essential law and procedures with which you need to be familiar and provides you with some useful samples of letters, motions, and client interview questions. It truly is a toolkit for the small-firm or solo lawyer. So, come on down to the Harris County Law Library and find out for yourself how valuable Texas Small-Firm Practice Tools can be to your practice.