Immigration Law Resource Month

In conjunction with the upcoming CLE series on Immigration Law and Internment Camps in Texas, which will feature three seminars in the month of October, the Harris County Law Library is highlighting our collection of Immigration Law Resources. Throughout September, print materials on all aspects of immigration law will be on display. Treatises like Kurzban’s Immigration Law Sourcebook (the 15th edition, just published and pictured here, is now on our shelves) and a number of CLE coursebooks from TexasBarCLE will be highlighted. You’ll also find immigration law resources in the Law Library’s digital collection, including official immigration forms through Westlaw and the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal on HeinOnline. Search the Law Library catalog for additional titles or ask the library staff for assistance in finding the resources you need. 

Ex Libris Juris Makes Texas Bar Today's Top 10

We are happy to announce that a recent Ex Libris Juris blog post - Who Owns Space Stuff? - was included in last week's Top 10 Blog Posts on Texas Bar Today, a publication of the State Bar of Texas. As the sole public law library in Space City, we are always happy for the opportunity to research and write about laws related to space exploration and our hometown space agency - NASA. Keep following our posts on Ex Libris Juris to see more posts on space law and plenty of other topics of interest to the Harris County legal community.

Latest & Greatest – Municipal Law Deskbook

Edited by William J. Scheiderich

Published by American Bar Association (2015)

KF 5305 .S34 2015

For the lawyer who practices before or for local governments comes Municipal Law Deskbook, a comprehensive guide for analyzing and handling the issues that most frequently arise in municipal law cases. Written by lawyers with decades-worth of experience in municipal law matters, Municipal Law Deskbook offers clear explanations of the applicability of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to public sector employees, the liability of public employees for wrongful acts, and the regulation of free speech in the public workplace. In addition, the authors provide an overview of regulatory taking and inverse condemnation, open meetings/open records laws, and the power of a municipality to raise taxes, generate revenue, and borrow money. Municipal Law Deskbook is a great resource for anyone wanting to know more about constitutional and employment law-related issues in a public context.

Latest & Greatest – Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition

By Ally Windsor Howell

Published by American Bar Association (2015)

KF 4754.5 .H69 2015

Another of the resources published by the American Bar Association and featured here at the Harris County Law Library this month, Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition, focuses upon whether a person is male or female for legal purposes and guides the reader through the murky waters that are all too familiar for those who do not identify with the gender they were at birth. Having transitioned herself, author Howell appropriately begins her book with an explanation of who a transgender person is. In this way, the reader can gain an understanding of the issues that transgender persons face when attempting to deal with their legal questions and problems. One of the first concerns upon transitioning is the changing of identification documents to match a new name and gender. These documents include birth certificates, social security cards, driver’s licenses, and immigration papers. Where available, the author provides information on the forms required to make the desired changes.

Howell also addresses the issue of discrimination in the use of public facilities, housing, military services and veterans benefits, health care, and employment. Of concern as well is the question of personal safety. Howell devotes a chapter to a discussion of gender-based violence and hate crime laws and domestic abuse. Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition is a comprehensive text discussing, addressing, and explaining the unique issues faced by transgender persons. The appendices also provide useful information regarding relevant state laws and municipal ordinances and a listing of companies that provide health insurance coverage for sex reassignment surgery. Whether you are an LGBT lawyer or simply want to become more aware of certain issues, Transgender Persons and the Law, 2nd Edition is an excellent resource for you.