Women's Equality Day - August 26th

Mrs. Suffern campaigning for women's suffrage in 1914.

Visit the Library of Congress catalog for more information on this photo.

Tomorrow, August 26, is Women's Equality Day. The date commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees women the right to vote. Since 1994, Presidents have proclaimed the day to be a time of remembrance and recognition of the contributions of women throughout history and to promote women's equality in all aspects of society. Last year, President Obama reaffirmed that message with a proclamation in honor of the 95th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.

For resources on Women's Equality Day, visit the National Women's History Museum blog.

Reinheitsgebot - 500 Years of the Law of Beer

Happy International Beer Day! In honor of the day, our blog post features a ancient law from medieval Germany that has influenced how this popular adult beverage has been crafted over the last half millennium!


Bavarian Dukes Wilhelm and Ludwig, who issued the original German Beer Purity Law in 1516.

Reinheitsgebot - Ancient German beer law that still holds sway

Celebrating its 500th anniversary this year is the Bavarian beer purity law known as Reinheitsgebot. The law was issued by the Dukes Wilhelm and Ludwig of Bavaria in 1516 to ensure that beer was brewed with only three ingredients - barley, hops, and water. Whether it was done to promote public health (yes, beer was a health food in the 1500s) or to drive down the price of wheat to make bread more cheaply, the lasting effects of the law are undeniable. Today, the American brewery Sam Adams proudly reports on its website that it's Boston Lager was the "first American beer sold in Germany" after passing Reinheitsgebot regulations in 1985!

For more on Reinheitsgebot, visit In Custodia Legis, a blog from the Law Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian Magazine, from the Smithsonian Institution.

Monthly Features: Magna Carta & Constitutional Law Resources at the HCLL

During the month of June, the Harris County Law Library is commemorating Magna Carta. Don’t miss our digital exhibit and the exhibit currently on display in the Law Library's lobby, where you can explore the origins of this historically-significant document and its impact on both the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well as its influence on the rule of law in Texas.

To complement our Magna Carta exhibits, the Law Library has adopted a theme, Constitutional Law Resource Month, which will feature items from our collection, including treatises, reference works, CLE course materials, form books, and other practitioner tools that may be useful in conducting constitutional law research.

The Law Library will also feature a small display of commentaries and related examples of case law that demonstrate the connections between Magna Carta and American law. All of these resources and exhibits will be featured until the end of June. Don’t miss your chance to see them, and please feel free to ask the Law Library staff any questions about the materials you discover.