Don't forget! Daylight savings time begins this weekend at precisely 2:00 am on Sunday, March 12th. For a look at the historical origins of daylight savings time, which was established by the federal government in 1918, visit the links below:
Senate Sergeant at Arms Charles Higgins turns forward the Ohio Clock for the first Daylight Saving Time, while Senators William Calder (NY), William Saulsbury, Jr. (DE), and Joseph T. Robinson (AR) look on, 1918.
credit: Senate Historical Office
Establishing Daylight Saving Time
"Spring Forward, Fall Back -- It's Daylight Saving Time," In Custodia Legis, Law Librarians of Congress
Photo: Changing the Clock for the First Daylight Saving Time, U.S. Senate
Topics in Chronicling American -- Daylight Saving Time, Sample articles, Important Dates, Search Strategies
For access to House Bill 150, which proposes to end Daylight Saving Time in Texas, see the link below. Coverage of the proposed legislation and commentary about the history of Daylight Saving Time in Texas is also provided.
Daylight Saving Time in Texas
Texas HB 150: Relating to daylight saving time (Filed 11/10/2014)
"Hate Daylight Saving Time? Thank Two Presidents from Texas," BirkaBlog, Texas Monthly Politics Blog, R.G. Ratcliffe
"Is Texas Going to Give Up Daylight Saving Time?," Wide Open Country, Elizabeth Abrahamsen
Video: Speaker Barnes Explains Daylight Savings Time for Texas, Texas Archive of the Moving Image