Image by Ria Kartika from Pixabay
The Texas Advocacy Project estimates that 74% of all Texans will experience intimate partner violence or know someone who has. This blog post lists several local and national resources for people experiencing domestic or family violence.
Texans can use the Legal help Directory from to search for local legal and other services.
Find a local Family Violence Program Center funded by Texas Health and Human Services.
The City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence lists Houston-based organizations that provide legal services, advocacy, and case management services to victims of family violence or human trafficking.
Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) Houston lists local and statewide resources including hotlines, shelters, safe houses, and other crisis intervention programs.
Learn about Protective/Restraining Orders
Forms to apply for a protective order are available on TexasLawHelp also provides multiple articles detailing the difference between a protective order and a restraining order. The terms “protective order” and “restraining order” are often used interchangeably. However, there are important differences between the two. See the graphic provided by the Texas Advocacy Project for a basic overview.
Graphic via the Texas Advocacy Project.
In Harris County, most applications for protective orders are submitted to the 280th Protective Order Court. The Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (HCDVCC) provides a guide for pro se applicants appearing at the 280th Protective Order Court.
Local Programs
The Domestic and Family Violence Resource Guide from the Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library compiles community resources available in Houston and Harris County areas, including the following: